Steam trap

According to the study “What you don’t know about steam traps” by the company SteamLoc2, most steam trap inspections are carried out annually. An annual review of this type results in a failure cost equivalent to USD 3,320 of energy losses per trap in 6 months and 3.4 tons of CO2 emitted per trap.

Raising the frequency of monitoring will reduce the time to failure, but will also increase the internal or external costs to perform these checks.

Some sensors are integrated in each trap, these have a solution cost around
$950 per trap, which turns out to be quite expensive for the industry.

There are solutions from 60 dollars per trap but these only show when the trap has already failed completely open or closed and do not include the calculation of the amount of steam.

Main features

Non-invasive solution

No batteries or sunlight required

End-to-end data encryption

Real-time leak alert

Hardware designed for Class 1 Division 2 and explosion-proof environments.

Measures amount of steam lost, temperature, pressure, CO2 emitted and not emitted if an improvement is implemented

Shows the state of the trap (partial leak, flash leak, total leak closed or open).

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