SOLIGASS plasma technology

Plasma Reactor Technology for treatment hazardous waste Solid, Liquid and Gas to Small Scale

The lack of infrastructure for the destruction in Latin America of hazardous waste that is currently exported to Europe or Asia for disposal causes high costs for the management of some hazardous waste that can be up to 5 thousand USD/ton.

The time for the delivery of disposition certificates can be up to 1 year. This prolongs the generator’s extended civil and criminal liability.

The large number of environmental procedures for treatment abroad makes it difficult to manage them within the country and increases costs. They also depend on the value of the dollar for their final disposal.

We support you to meet the following SDGs

Patent pending and patent granted in Latin America

ZION ING had patent a plasma technology to small scale for the treatment hazardous waste for Colombia and Latin America

Price reduction

Price reduction of at least 30% for companies generating this waste compared to the price of exporting companies.

Shorter delivery time of disposition certificate

Decrease in time by 90% for the delivery of disposition certificates compared to export.

Reduction or elimination of environmental procedures

The Basel Convention says that once the country has installed technical capacity to treat its hazardous waste, its export is prohibited.

Main waste to be treated

POPs Persistent Organic Compounds are regulated by the Stockholm Convention, they are mainly used as.Oils from transformers, transformers, condensers and/or electrical devices contaminated with Polychlorinated Biphenyls, PCBs, pesticides, insecticides, flame retardants. In total there are 23 substances that must be eliminated.

SAOs are regulated by the Montreal protocol, these are mainly used as refrigerant gases R12-R13a, SF6, CFC-HCFC.

1. Idea

With more than 12 years of research and development in plasma technology for the treatment of hazardous waste, the ZION ING team made up of physical engineers has been a speaker at important national and international events such as the 8th International Conference on Plasma Assisted Technologies in Rio Janeiro, Brazil. It has also developed a laboratory-scale prototype and received angel investment for more than $ 70,000, as well as grants for more than $ 30,000.

2. Prototype

ZION ING founded in 2014 has developed and patented in 8 Latin American countries plasma technology for the treatment and use of highly hazardous waste including all POPs and ODS (Persistent Organic Components POPs and Ozone Layer Depleting Substances ODS are more than 23 hazardous waste substances that companies in the electrical, petrochemical and manufacturing sectors must export for their treatment in Europe) without limits in the degree of toxicity and state (solid, liquid or gaseous).

The vision is to stop the generation of one (1) million tons per year of CO2e, reduce export costs, help comply with the Stockholm Convention, Montreal Protocol and Basel Convention, as well as take advantage of other waste to convert it into electric power as part of a circular economy strategy.


There are patents granted in Colombia and Chile. Likewise, there are patents in process in the US, Mexico, Brazil, Panama, Ecuador and Peru. The patent protects both the method (process) and the apparatus to treat hazardous waste in any concentration of toxicity and state of matter in the same reactor configuration, that is, this setup allows to reduce costs and scale the technology to take advantage of other waste.

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